MNC Quality at Indian Prices
Immediate Provisioning
Think Global, Host Local
Cloud VPS
Virtual Private Servers
- Starts with 2vCPU, 4 GB RAM, 40 GB NVMe
Cloud VDS
Virtual Dedicated Servers (Standard Cloud)
- Starts with 4vCPU, 16 GB RAM, 200 GB NVMe
Storage VPS
Dedicated Storage VPS
- Starts with 500GB storage on Enterprise HDD’s in Raid6
Bare Metal
Bare Metal Dedicated Servers
- Bare metal servers with full control, Ipmi & latest configurations
Email Services
Dedicated Email Servers for SME & Enterprises
- Choose from SoGo or Zimbra Collaboration Suite with ActiveSync as a standard feature
SSL Certs
Domain & Wildcard SSL
- Choose from GGSSL, Sectigo, GeoTrust, RapidSSL with Unlimited Re-issues during the subscription
NAS on Cloud
Private NAS, extended on Cloud
- Secure & convenient storage solution to keep your off-site data
NextCloud with Docs
Read / edit doc, xls, pdf files online
- Share & collaborate files & data with team members. A perfect alternative to Google Drive + Docs
Storage S3
For higher storage, custom
- Share links to stored files and manage public access to each file as needed
Business Backup
Unlimited Data Transfer
- Storage - 100GB,Unlimited Data Transfer
Cpanel Hosting
Automate best strategies
- Automate best strategies and focus more on generating.
Dedicated Storage Server
Dedicated Storage servers
- High Performance Single Tenant Bare Metal Storage Servers with Ransomware protection
Spectra for all your Cloud Hosting needs
With 20+ years experience, Spectra stands for delivering high quality solutions at affordable prices.
With over 30 technical support personnel and availability round the clock, you will always have a great experience. Be it Level 1,2 or 3 support, we got you covered. Our Level 1 team is well trained to take care of 85% of your probelms.
Focus on growing your business without worrying about the costs you incur on technology and hosting.
Get Started-
100% human
support -
Secure and
Reliable -
Full Control
on Resource -
No long term
contracts -
Hardware -
20+ Years
of Experience

Monitoring helps being in control & perform better
You deserve monitoring of the resources you use with us. Monitoring helps mitigate unexpected slowness or outages. You will know which time of the day or which week of the month your server requires more resources. This helps in your applications performing well, and to us in meeting our SLA commitments with you. Not to mention, it's our business to keep your business running!
Get Started