Strong brand identity
SSL Certificates help increase the website visitor confidence by presenting a secure user environment; validated by the industry leading certification authorities.
As you deploy an SSL Certificate, you comply standards and regulations like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR and more.
It’s not good to be ‘NOT SECURE’
As a visitor lands to a website that is not having SSL, a ‘Not Secure’ flag is promptly displayed on the address bar. This does scare the visitor / customer and the visitor may go. Keep the websites in good picture with SSL certificates.
Safe online payment systems & ecommerce carts
Give customers the safety and security as the payments are to be made on your website. SSL’s ensure end-to-end encryption and the hackers are unable to get the sensitive data like Credit Card / Netbanking / User details.
Trust with Customers
Trust is the key of any relationship. SSL’s ensure that the user and the website / server always work safely hand-on-hand and all the sensitive data is protected.
Good for SEO Ranking
Search engines like Google, Bing, etc. love https encrypted websites and present them higher on the search results. Better ranking on Search engines means better visibility of website content
The best SSL encryption available
All the SSL certificates are created with SHA-256 and 2048 bit RSA keys, alongwith ECC support. This means all the communication between the server and the site visitors are fully safeguarded
Flexible Cover
When it comes to the types of servers, we have an SSL to fit in. All the basic / domain SSL cover both the ‘www’ and ‘non-www’ versions of your site.
Installation Services
Need SSL installation support, we are there! Our SSL installation One time installation support starts from Rs. 499.00 only.
Reissue of SSL Certificates
Our SSL’s can be reissued unlimited times during the subscription term. Your investment on SSL will never go waste.
SSL Expiry Reminders
Reminder emails for SSL expiry are sent multiple times nearing the end of the subscription term thereby extending or updating the SSL’s well in time.
Universal device compatibility
Our SSLs have a great device compatibility, and works with all browsers, mobile devices, and server software.
100% Human Support
Automation is a key part in the cloud environment but everything cannot be automated. Robots cannot answer to all your queries and requests, understand the local language or be flexible. That’s where you require and get 100% Human Support from us – on Phone, WhatsApp or email.
Awards & Certificates
Spectra, over the years, has been accoladed with various awards that ascertain that the customer is in right company, backed by processes and certifications like ISO 9001, 14001, 20000 & 27001
Reliability Uncompromised
We are NOT a Start-up. Spectra is in IT business since 1998, profitable and growing year-on-year. CRISIL rates Spectra as Highest & most reliable SME. Our experience and understanding ensures that you are in good company.

Have questions about our SSL Certificate plans?
We'd love to talk about how we can help you.