Terms & Condition
#1 Scope
The following General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between Spectra Technologies India Private Limited, 724, Jaina Tower 2, District Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110058 (hereinafter “SpectraCloud”) and natural or legal persons who use the services provided by SpectraCloud (hereinafter: “customer”). The version in force at the time the contract is concluded is authoritative. The contract language is English.
#2 Services Provided by SpectraCloud
1. SpectraCloud operates high tech facilities that are connected to the internet. In these facilities,
SpectraCloud offers the customer the following hosting and housing services:
1.Customized Managed Hosting: The customer will use individually configured servers provided by
2.Server Hosting: The customer will use SpectraCloud’s dedicated or virtual servers or will place their
servers with SpectraCloud.
3.Domains: The customer will use Domain Services from SpectraCloud.
4.Additional services on request.
2.SpectraCloud guarantees server availability of 99% averaged annually. SpectraCloud also has a
maintenance window for performing maintenance work. Maintenance is usually performed at night between
22:00 and 06:00 hours. This type of maintenance is excluded from the guaranteed availability. Also
excluded are times in which the servers are unavailable due to problems lying beyond SpectraCloud’s
control (network outages outside of the networks belonging to SpectraCloud, force majeure, culpable acts
of third parties, etc.). Separate rules regarding availability can be arranged in individual agreements
with the customer in Service Level Agreements (SLA).
3.SpectraCloud provides guarantee for the amount of bandwidth available as specified in the
4. SpectraCloud is entitled to provide services through third parties.
5.In providing Domain Services as defined in these General Terms and Conditions, SpectraCloud acts
simply as an agent between the customer and the office responsible for registering domain names. The
domain names will be registered in the name of the customer.
6.In providing domain-services; in the sense of these General Terms and Conditions, SpectraCloud assumes
no guarantee for assigning the domain name desired by the customer. This likewise applies to the
constitution of the domain. Most specifically, SpectraCloud assumes no guarantee that the desired domain
will be unencumbered by the rights of third parties. The customer him/her-self must review for any
possible conflict with third party rights before contracting SpectraCloud to register the domain.
#3 Customer’s Duties
1.SpectraCloud will bill the customer for services monthly / quarterly / biennially / yearly (or as
specified in the contract) in advance. The price figures exclude the currently applicable legally
mandated Service Tax (as mentioned in the invoice separately). The billed amount is due seven days after
receipt of the Invoice / Proforma Invoice, without any discount. Invoice / Proforma Invoice will be sent
solely by email. Should the customer need a billing statement sent via postal service, a separate
request has to be raised. At the request of the customer or at SpectraCloud’s demand, other billing
intervals and methods of payment can be selected.
2. To claim the services described under these General Terms and Conditions, specific billing modalities
apply which can be asked from the SpectraCloud team separately.
3. The customer is obligated to provide SpectraCloud with a correct and valid postal address when
entering into a contractual agreement with SpectraCloud. The customer is obligated to keep these data
complete and up-to-date.
4. The customer is obligated to grant SpectraCloud authorization to collect the payments due at the
conclusion of the contract. In the event that the account specified by the customer does not have an
adequate balance or the customer does not fulfil the customer’s payment obligations for other reasons,
the customer will be liable for default interest in the amount of thirty-six percent annually.
5.In the event of a charge back SpectraCloud will charge a processing fee in the amount of INR 1000.00.
The right to demonstrate lower damages remains reserved to the customer.
6. The customer is obligated with reference to the content the customer publishes, to fulfil its duty to
identify him/her-self as the publisher as stated by the Government’s Acts. The customer must inform
him/her-self concerning other possible informational obligations incumbent upon him/her.
7.The customer is obligated to design the customer’s content in compliance with the law. The customer is
especially obligated to refrain from providing illegal content.
8.The customer is obligated, to refrain from using the servers provided to him/her or the servers the
customer installed by himself in SpectraCloud’s facilities for illegal purposes, especially file
sharing, port-scanning, MAC-modifications as well as distributed Denial of Service-attacks.
9.The customer is obligated, to carry out regular data storage outside of the SpectraCloud network. This
is also available as a service with SpectraCloud.
10. The customer is obligated, to refrain from sending e-mails to third parties who
have not consented to receipt beforehand or whose consent to receive cannot be inferred from other
means. This likewise applies to sending postings in chats and/or forums. The customer promises to pay
SpectraCloud a contractual penalty in the amount of INR 3000.00 per incident in the event of culpable
breach of this obligation under exclusion of the assumption of repeated offence.
11. The customer is obligated, to treat all passwords communicated to him/her for the fulfilment and use
of the specified contractual obligations with strict confidentiality.
12. If the customer makes use of IT-housing-services in the sense of these General Terms and Conditions,
the customer is obligated to demonstrate liability insurance coverage under which personal, property and
asset losses are insured to a value of the cost of the server. The customer also expressly recognizes
that the equipment the customer installs is not insured by SpectraCloud and that the customer is solely
responsible for adequately insuring his equipment.
13.If the customer makes use of co-location/IT-housing-services in the sense of these General Terms and
conditions, the customer is strictly solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the
customer’s Servers, unless the customer makes use of special services from SpectraCloud as defined in
these General Terms and Conditions.
14.If the customer makes use of Domain Services as defined in these General Terms and Conditions, the
customer declares expressly on commissioning SpectraCloud for domain registration, that the desired
domain does not infringe on the rights of any third parties.
15.If the customer makes use of Domain Services as defined in these General Terms and Conditions, the
customer is obligated toward SpectraCloud to inform SpectraCloud immediately of any legal disputes
arising on the basis of the domain registered and delegated by SpectraCloud and especially in the event
that the accusation is advanced that the customer’s use infringes on the rights of third parties. In
this case, SpectraCloud is already authorized even before the start of contract to waive the use of the
disputed domain and/or block him/her from third-party access pending clarification of the rights. This
rule applies analogously to the contents downloadable from the domain, especially in cases of copyright
#4 Conclusion of Contact
1. The contract comes into being through SpectraCloud providing services to the customer. SpectraCloud
has the right to refuse customer orders without providing an explanation.
2. Notwithstanding # 4 (1) of these General Terms and Conditions, the contract comes into being in the
case of a contract for hosting and/or Co-location/IT-Housing-services through SpectraCloud’s sending the
passwords and unlocking the server.
#5 Notification of Right to Revoke
Right to Revoke
You can revoke your declaration of contract within 14 days in text form (e.g. letter, e-mail) without
indicating any reasons. The notice period begins on receipt of this notification in written form. The
deadline for revocation is satisfied if the revocation is sent in a timely fashion. The revocation is to
be sent to:
Spectra Technologies India Private Limited
724, Jaina Tower 2, District Center, Janakpuri,
New Delhi – 110058, INDIA
Consequences of Revocation
In the event of an effective revocation, all mutually received benefits are to be returned and if
necessary any benefits received (e.g. interest) are to be released. If you cannot return the benefits
received entirely or partially or only in a worsened condition, you must to that extent compensate us
for any loss of value. Repayment obligations must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you
on sending your declaration of revocation, for us with the customer’s receipt.
Special Notes
In the case of a service, your right to revoke expires early if your contracting partner began with the
performance of the service with your expressed permission prior to the expiration of the notice period
for revocation or if you yourself initiated this.
#6 Contract Period, Cancellation
1. The contract period is determined by the time frame stated in each individual case. If the contract is
not cancelled in a timely fashion, it will automatically renew by the agreed-upon period; however, this
will not be longer than three years.
2. Cancellation of the contract by the customer must be affected in writing.
3. The cancellation period for an agreed-upon minimum contract of 1 month is 45 days; for an agreed-upon
minimum contract period of 3 months, 60 days; for an agreed-upon minimum contract period of 6 months, 60
days; for an agreed-upon minimum contract period of 12 months 90 days and for a minimum contract period
of 24 months 120 days to the end of the specified minimum contract period.
4. The right of cancellation without notice for due and sufficient cause remains unaffected. A due and
sufficient cause exists especially if:
- the customer does not fulfil the customer’s obligations deriving from # 3 of these General Terms and Conditions,
- the customer is more than two weeks in default with payments owed,
- the customer violates legal prohibitions, especially provisions of copyright law, law on competition, law on use of names or laws on data privacy/confidentiality,
- the customer publishes content of a National Socialist, racist, or extremist nature or that which glorifies violence or child pornography or any other form of illegal content,
- the customer continues to violate terms of the contract concluded between the customer and SpectraCloud in spite of warning from SpectraCloud, if the technical or other standards change significantly.
5. In the case of a reason for cancellation as defined in # 6 (4) first bullet point of these General
Terms and Condition, SpectraCloud can, at its own discretion, exercise the right of cancellation without
notices or block access to the internet for the server used by the customer without prior notices or
without setting a deadline for correction, until the breach of obligations is remedied. SpectraCloud
will assess a fee for expenses incurred for blocking a server in the amount of INR 5000.
6. If a contract whose minimum contract period has not yet been fulfilled is cancelled by SpectraCloud
for due and sufficient cause and with immediate effect, the customer is still obligated to render
payment. The amount to be paid will come to 50% of the monthly fee, which corresponds to the losses
inflicted on SpectraCloud by the customer’s breach of contract, to the extent that the customer does not
prove that the actual loss is lesser. This obligation ends with the reaching of the contract’s minimum
contract period.
7. The assertion of claims to compensation for damages going beyond this and deriving from another legal
basis is unaffected by # 6 (4) of these General Terms and Conditions.
8. In the case of a contract for co-location/IT-housing-services, the customer grants SpectraCloud a
contractual lien right to any hardware installed by the customer as a security against any claims
deriving from the contract. Moreover, in the event of default on payment lasting 10 days or more,
SpectraCloud has the right to block internet access for the customer’s server without giving notice or
setting a deadline. SpectraCloud will charge a fee for expenses incurred in the amount of INR 5000 to
unblock the server.
#7 Liability
1. SpectraCloud is liable for damages that are inflicted by it or by its auxiliary personnel through
gross negligence or malicious intent. In the case of breach of essential contractual obligations,
liability is restricted to foreseeable and typical damages in cases of simple negligence. Liability for
culpable injury to life or limb or health is unaffected by this.
2. The customer is obligated to indemnify SpectraCloud and hold SpectraCloud harmless internally with
respect to any third party claims deriving from illegal conduct of the customer or errors in the content
that the customer provides.
3. The customer is solely and exclusively responsible for the content stored on the server.
4. SpectraCloud will operate its technical infrastructure in conformity
with the state of the art. SpectraCloud is not liable for damages that are inflicted by attacks from
third parties on the technical infrastructure either already in place or installed at SpectraCloud,
especially not those caused by DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, virus attacks or other
attacks from hackers.
#8 Data Privacy Statement
1. The customer gives consent that the customer’s personal data will be acquired and used by SpectraCloud
in compliance with legal regulations & industry standards.
2. If the customer makes use of a Domain Service, the customer gives consent going beyond # 8 of these
General Terms and Conditions that the customer’s personal data will be forwarded to the office
responsible for domain registration.
#9 Credit Reporting Agency
1.On ordering services, the customer gives consent that SpectraCloud will share data concerning the application for, acceptance of and termination of this contract with any Credit Reporting Agency that may come in India in the near future. Independent of this, SpectraCloud will also share data on conduct in violation of this contract with such agency. These reports will only be made after all affected interests have been weighed.
#10 Court of Jurisdiction, Applicable Law
1. If the contracting partner is a merchant, a legal person under public law or a special estate under
public law, Jagadhri will be accepted as the exclusive court of jurisdiction for all claims that derive
from this contract.
2. Indian law applies to contracts between SpectraCloud and the customer.
#11 Concluding Provisions
1.The customer can only offset with claims against SpectraCloud if these are recognized by SpectraCloud
or have legal force.
2. All of SpectraCloud’s declarations to the customer can be made in text form.
3. Should any provision of these General Terms and Conditions prove unenforceable, the enforceability of
the other provisions remains unaffected. The unenforceable provision will be deemed replaced by a
legally enforceable one that, in commercial terms, most closely approximates the sense and purpose of
the unenforceable provision.